Online Shopping During COVID-19
As the world shifts gears to cope with the COVID-19 epidemic, it is impossible to ignore the swift and substantial changes already altering our daily lives. More than two thirds of Americans face orders or instructions to shelter in their homes. Many have already lost their jobs. Most of the effects that the virus has had on our day-to-day are so glaring that it’s easy to overlook some other aspects of society that have also been changed quite dramatically.
You may have noticed that Amazon’s promised delivery windows have grown quite out of control compared to what we’re used to. For now, we must give up the luxury of that slick and easy 2-day shipping button. The new reality? 10-21 days.
Understanding why the previously infallible Amazon must extend their delivery times will also help us understand why smaller companies like Snap Supply must also humbly ask their customers for a little extra patience during times of crisis.
Let’s take a look at what happens when you order a part from Snap Supply.
Even though the majority of Snap Supply's parts are manufactured in North America and Europe, the recent outbreak has slowed manufacturing and shipping to a crawl. In the cases where parts must be shipped from overseas, port closures and cancelled shipping services have been interrupting orders.
From the ports, these parts are usually shipped by truck to a warehouse for storage. American truckers are currently overworked. Despite an easing of hours of service regulations - meaning the number of hours drivers are required to break has been reduced - drivers are struggling to meet demand.
When you finally select the part you need and place an order from us, or another company, like Amazon, it is then the responsibility of the USPS or another courier service to bring that part from us to you.
Predictably, the postal service has also been slowed considerably by the spread of the virus. Because so many people have been asked to stay indoors, the postal service has been overloaded with orders. This creates a bottleneck for everything being shipped by mail.
Every order you place online - whether from little guys like us or the giants like Amazon - will face similar slow down.
We understand that this situation is extremely frustrating. Now more than ever, people are in need of many essential items. And with many businesses being closed for the foreseeable future, online is often the only option.
America’s postal workers are putting themselves in danger every day to get us what we need as fast as possible. It is only natural that in times like these, they might need a little extra time. We can do our part by showing them patience.