How to Test Your 243297606 Ice Maker
Whether you have a Frigidaire or Kenmore refrigerator that requires a 243297606 ice maker, always keep in mind your ice maker is controlled directly by your refrigerator. Unlike other ice makers that come with a motor, the 243297606 ice maker is different. It relies solely on temperature and for the refrigerator to call for water. You may be asking yourself how can you determine if you have a defective or broken ice maker. Simple, the 243297606 ice maker comes with a thermistor that can be tested directly on the display panel of your freezer door.
The thermistor of the ice maker works as a sensor to sense the temperature of the ice maker. To know if your ice maker no longer works or is defective, you need to run the Ice Maker Thermistor test (52C). Please refer to your “Wiring Diagram Manual” to your freezer or see image below.
(The “Wiring Diagram Manual” includes different diagnostic tests, these tests may vary from the image provided)
To start this test, you need to go to the display panel of your freezer and hold the up arrow (^) and (+) button simultaneously for 10 seconds. This will put the ice maker in diagnostic mode.
Once in diagnostic mode, the display panel shows you on the right-hand side 52C meaning you are running the “Ice Maker Thermistor” test. On the left-hand side, you see the temperature of the ice maker, such as 0°F. If your display shows an “OP,” then this means you have an open thermistor, requiring you to replace your ice maker as your thermistor can not accurately sense the temperature of the ice maker.
***Please note, depending on your refrigerator model your display panel may vary from the image provided***